Lawn fertiliser application
What is lawn fertiliser application?
Lawn fertilisers are a type of plant food that can help your grass grow healthy and strong. They typically contain a combination of essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are needed for healthy plant growth. Different types of fertilizers are designed for different purposes, such as promoting root growth, enhancing color, or providing a quick boost of growth.
Fertiliser application is the process of applying either granular or liquid plant food to the lawn. Their main task is to produce closely-knit turf in which neither weeds nor moss can obtain a ready foothold. The grass is indeed made more attractive because of its deeper green colour, but equally important is the build-up of resistance to drought and disease.
Mowing is a serious drain on the soil's reserve of major plant foods. Nitrogen becomes exhausted quite quickly - phosphates and potassium more slowly. Unless the reserves are replaced the grass turns pale and the turf becomes thin and sparse. fertiliser is needed - not too little but not too much.
Good lawn management calls for a regular lawn feeding programme.
Head over to our programmes page to find out more.